Saturday, October 5, 2013

Horror game of the week : Outlast

You are a journalist and you are hired to do an investigation of a mental asylum. You encounter violent patients, occult rituals and by far you have to survive by running for your life. This game is the number 5 on game spot. And follows the same style of gaming as in Amnesia and Slender.

Gameplay from wiki :

Outlast is played from a first-person perspective. The main character, Miles Upshur, is incapable of combat, except for certain scripted sequences in which he pushes enemies away. To navigate the environment, the character is able to climb to ledges, vault over low obstacles, crawl, and slide in narrow gaps. Except for vaulting, enemies are incapable of any of these maneuvers, which gives the player a certain edge. In addition, the player can survive encounters with the inmates by hiding inside of lockers or under beds, although certain enemies may search the room and attempt to locate the player for a short time before moving on.
Since much of the asylum is dark, the player must use Miles' video camera to see, thanks to its night vision function. Using night vision consumes batteries, for which replacements are scattered across the environment.
When injured, Upshur must avoid taking any further damage for a while, which will allow him to recover

Outlast screenshot

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